Sunday, January 18, 2009

Year of discipleship, life of discipleship

I just noticed that it has been about 3 weeks since I have posted anything new on the blog. Way back in 2008 was the last time that I wrote about any of the "goings on" down here. Well, much has been going on and we thank the Lord for His faithfulness towards us.
At Grace Bapist Church(aka Iglesia Bautista Gracia) we have proclaimed 2009 to be a "Year of Discipleship". I put it within quotes as I fully recognize that for the Christian every day of every year is about being a faithful disciple of Christ. Just a couple of Sundays ago we started a journey through the gospel of Mark. It is exciting for me to look out and see the people engaged with the text and for them (and me) to be learning to appreciate more of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. And when we look at how He lived, how He ministered to others, it makes our pathway so much clearer. "If we say we abide in Him, we must walk as He walked." (1st John 2:6) "If we love Him we will obey His commandments." (John 14:15) Please pray that the Lord would be glorified in and through His church here in Curaco and throughout the world.
May the year 2009 be a time where you (and I) grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory!