Monday, November 24, 2008

Proverbs 31 Woman

I thank the Lord for the wife that He gave me in Ruth.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

More love to thee

This past weekend at Grace we spoke on the love of God and how that must totally transform our way of living. The way we live with our God and the way we live with our fellow man is radically affected by our understanding and appreciation of the love of God. Oh how I love the words of 1st John 4:10 "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." How can one be "unamazed" by such words? The Scripture is abundantly clear that we do not by nature love God, on the contrary we hate Him and love our sin. Praise be to God that it was He who said, "Let light shine out of darkness and made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."(2nd Corinthians 4:6) He has made His love for us known through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. (2nd Corinthians 9:15; John 3:16; 2nd Corinthians 5:21) And what does He require of us? That we would love Him with all of our heart and with all of our soul and with all of our mind. And that we would love our neighbor as ourself. (Matthew 22:37-39 paraphrased) May we all grown in our love for the Lord and for our fellow man. Let us all take a moment and thank the Lord for His amazing love and pray that His Spirit would empower us to share it with those around us. To God be the glory in all things! "Yet while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) "Amazing love, how can it be? That you my King would die for me." Hallelujah, what a Savior!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blessed are you when people insult you

What is the first thing to happen when someone treats us unfairly? Please note that I don't say "what should happen when someone treats us unfairly?" Many times the first thing that comes to our hearts and minds is a feeling of anger (righteous or not). We may think of defending ourselves from someone's attack. We may think of how we will confront the individual(s) responsible for such an atrocity. But what is the first thing that we should do? Pray. Pray for your own heart. (Proverbs 4:23) Pray for the person (or people) who have wronged you. (Luke 23:34; Acts 7:60) Seek to have the right attitude/outlook on things. (Matthew 5:11-12; Philippians 4:4-7)
Just upon returning from a missions conference in Santiago, I was confronted with some vicious (and totally untrue) accusations against me. Truly satanic in nature. (Ephesians 6:16; 1st Peter 5:8-9) So what was my first reaction? I sorrow to say that my first reaction was to somehow defend myself. Then I thought to go right to this individual and confront them for these blasphemous statements. I felt that I had a right reason to be upset about this. But then as I got thinking about it I realized that my initial reaction wasn't entirely worthy of the gospel. I wasn't taking the time to pray that the Lord would help me to respond in a way that would honor Him. My first reaction was to respond in a way that would leave me in the clear. The Lord is my shield, He will defend His own. (Psalm 7:9-10) My second error was that I became upset with the individual who was directing the slander towards me, when I should have been praying for him. Then came the Holy Spirit's gentle direction for me to repent of my bad reaction and attitude and to pray about the situation and the individual(s) involved. So I apologized to Ruth for having responded incorrectly (and in so doing not given the testimony to her that I should have) and we prayed. What a weight was lifted from my heart! (Matthew 11:28-30; 1st Peter 5:7; Philippians 4:4-7) And I was reminded of the reality of spiritual warfare that is going on all around us.
Praise be to God that not only have we learned a bunch throughout the past couple of days, we have witnessed the Lord minister in and through the situation for His glory. Please continue to pray with us and for us that the gospel would go out with power and that the Lord would extend His saving and sustaining grace to those who so desperately need it.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

OK, I can't cry over spilled milk but how about a broken coffee pot?

What an interesting day.
We got up relatively early and ate breakfast. Made it out of the house ahead of schedule and got down to the church. Then came running up to the building one of our Sunday School regulars shouting "Tio Daniel, Tia Ruth needs you at home right away. It's urgent!" Of course my mind was racing over what could have been the problem. Maybe one of the kids had fallen or maybe someone had called saying that a loved one had passed away. So I race home and do not detect any crying from the children. That was a good sign. I go in and call out my wife's name. "Ruth, what's going on?" She says, "I moved wrong and now I can't get up." Where is Dr. Shea (our chiropractic brother) when you need him?!? Eventually we get Ruth up and out of the bed to which she had crawled. Another 20 minutes pass by and we get her down to the church. By this time I am almost an hour late to pick up a family from the church. The time delay accompanied by some mechanical problems that I had with the truck make it impossible for me to bring them to church on this day. Not cool. Fortunately Ruth is able to help Tio Jorge and Tia Vivi finish up the Sunday School and get ready for our noontime adult worship gathering. The time with the adults was very edifying and we trust was well pleasing unto the Lord. We had some visitors to our gathering from Peru and the United States so we invited them over for lunch. My wife had prepared for lunch beforehand so all she had to do was heat it up. We sit down and eat and have some good fellowship over a great meal. (thanks Ruth!) "Hey, who wants some coffee?", I ask. Several respond to the affirmative. "Coming right up", says the barrista. (me) My coffee pot has this annoying thing where the coffee leaks out the side whenever it is being poured out. So in order to prevent this, I take off the plastic lid. No problem there. But when I go to put the plastic lid back on, I suppose that I did it a little too enthusiastically. The coffee pot, the glass part, cracked. Oops! Fortunately it was a clean break and no shards got into the coffee itself. Most of our guests enjoyed their coffee without knowing about the mishap. Tio Jorge heard about it and was worried about drinking glass. However his fears were relieved as I proved to him that the coffee was safe to drink by passing the "joe"first through a plastic/mesh strainer. "I will drink it now", he tells me. Ok. And he states resolutely, "I think that coffee caraffe has seen it's last action." I sadly agree with him. Throughout this time I have flashing in my mind the reaction of little Tabitha to her spilled milk several days ago. She was devestated. She wanted her milk. And now it was gone. My situation is similar to hers. I will want to drink coffee tomorrow. And now my coffee making ability is gone. But at least I am not devestated. I can live without coffee. If need be, I can buy another coffee pot. We can make so much out of the trivial things and lose sight of what truly is important. Instead of being upset about the coffee pot, I had reason to be thankful for my relationship with God, for His powerful hand upon Ruth's body (she was still able to minister in the church), for the rest of my family, and for the brothers and sisters in Christ who were here to fellowship with us. Why waste time, energy, and emotion crying over a broken coffee pot when there is so much to praise the Lord for? Besides maybe I should drink more milk. It is supposed to do the body good, isn't it? Yeah, as long as I don't spill it.