Sunday, August 24, 2008

The power of a single verse

Over the past several weeks we have been digging into the Apostle Peter's first epistle. This has been a real blessing for me and for the others at Grace Baptist. Today we studied 1st Peter 3:11-18 and for me the verse that really impacted me was the first part of verse 18 which reads, "For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God." How absolutely powerful! As I told the congregation, in that first part of verse 18 we have the gospel. Peter had encouraged his readers in verse 15 of the same chapter to be always ready to present a defense of their faith (also known as apologetics). One does not need to be a theologian, a pastor, nor a missionary to share the gospel. One only needs to know that God is holy, all men have sinned, and that Christ died in our place on the cross and that through faith in Him we can be reconciled to God the Father. Praise be to the Name of Jesus!
Would you please pray for us as a congregation, that we would humbly, reverently, and lovingly share this life-saving and life-giving message with those in our community. And that the Holy Spirit would work through the Word to draw men and women, boys and girls into a relationship with the One True God.
I am so thankful in this day for 1st Peter 3:18. I am thankful that it is true and as a result I am thankful that God the Father has reconciled me unto Himself through His Son Jesus Christ. Lord, I lift your Name on high!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some locked up and others set free

CNN reports that a town in Arkansas has instituted a type of martial law in order to curtail violence in there. The citizens are on a 24/7 curfew and are being told that whoever violates it will be subject to relocation to a jail cell. Interesting.
Our situation down here is only mildly comparable. On Saturday, extreme town makeover started here in Curaco. Tearing up the streets and the sidewalks. Quite a mess. Yesterday (Monday) they started to straighten things up a bit. Ours was the first side of the road that was to be "residewalked". The problem is that with the work going on, with the wet cement and all, I cannot get my vehicle out. I feel a little boxed in. But at least I can walk. And the cement should be dry by tomorrow.
The most important thing however is although I used to be a locked up as a slave to sin (Romans 6:17), I am now free in Christ. (Romans 6:18) The truth (Christ and His Word) has set me free. (John 8:32) The Son has set me free and I am free indeed! (John 8:36) I have been set free from sin. I am free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2) And to the praise of God, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1) Free at last, free at last, praise God Almighty, I am free at last! And so we don't forget how this happened, may we be faithful to share this life-giving message with others (Romans 10:14-15,17), that they can be released from their prison and enter into the freedom that can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Some of the brethren at Grace

A time of adjustment

A week of VBS. Ruth up to Santiago for the week to send Kristina back to Michigan. And now adjusting to the ministry with one less pair of hands. It has been a very full, interesting couple of weeks. Of course we thank the Lord for His grace and trust that it always has been and always will be sufficient as to our needs.
With the departure of Kristina (what a great helper she was!), we have had to reorganize ourselves. There are some Bible studies that we have needed to alter; I go alone whereas Ruth used to accompany me. The Bible studies that we conducted in the countryside have been postponed for a time given the fact that it wouldn't be right for me to meet alone with the women. And Ruth can now only attend half of the classes at the Bible Institute since I (as one of the teachers) need to be in attendance every other week. So we have had to make some adjustments. But so far so good. Our people down here at Grace Baptist have granted us just that: grace. They understand that there are some things that we have needed to adjust for a time and they know that our love and care for them remains a constant reality.
We thank you all as well as you pray for us and support us in the ministry down here in Curaco. Hallelujah, what a Savior we have in Jesus Christ!