Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A time of adjustment

A week of VBS. Ruth up to Santiago for the week to send Kristina back to Michigan. And now adjusting to the ministry with one less pair of hands. It has been a very full, interesting couple of weeks. Of course we thank the Lord for His grace and trust that it always has been and always will be sufficient as to our needs.
With the departure of Kristina (what a great helper she was!), we have had to reorganize ourselves. There are some Bible studies that we have needed to alter; I go alone whereas Ruth used to accompany me. The Bible studies that we conducted in the countryside have been postponed for a time given the fact that it wouldn't be right for me to meet alone with the women. And Ruth can now only attend half of the classes at the Bible Institute since I (as one of the teachers) need to be in attendance every other week. So we have had to make some adjustments. But so far so good. Our people down here at Grace Baptist have granted us just that: grace. They understand that there are some things that we have needed to adjust for a time and they know that our love and care for them remains a constant reality.
We thank you all as well as you pray for us and support us in the ministry down here in Curaco. Hallelujah, what a Savior we have in Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

We so enjoyed our visit with Ruth, even though it was "muy cortito!" We also understand how hard adjustments can be, and pray that God will continue to guide and sustain you in the days ahead!