Friday, September 14, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Back to normal

Normal. What does that mean? I imagine that the word means different things to different people at different times and under different circumstances. In this instance I refer to my vacation being over and getting back to our "normal" schedule.
Our three oldest are back to school. Elizabeth goes five days a week, all day. Daniel and Grace go four days a week, just in the morning. So Ruth, Rebekah, and Tabitha are experiencing some good bonding time. I enjoy being back in the office and being occupied in the work of the ministry. I really feel blessed to do what I am doing, helping to pastor the church here in Michigan and pastoring the church (by correspondence) in Chile.
We are excited to share that I (Daniel) have been invited to travel down to Chicago on the 21st to get my visa. I will also be turning in the final paperwork for Tabitha's Chilean citizenship. The only other logistical things that we need to do before leaving for Chile are 1) purchasing a vehicle 2) obtaining the shipping container 3) purchase our airline tickets 4) liquidate our remaining assets here in the States (home and stuff that we don't need to take with us). So, please pray for us and the accomplishing of these things. We have definitely seen the Lord at work in our preparations. We have committed our way unto the Lord and we have seen Him give us the desire of our hearts. (Psalm 37:4)
Thank you again for your prayers on our behalf. Please keep it up. As well, let us know how we can be praying for you.
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. Amen. -Galatians 6:18 (NASB)

Friday, September 07, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

Interesting how busy one can be when supposedly it's time to relax. I have been on vacation this week and have felt overwhelmed by all the things that I know I should be doing when the thing that I really want to do is: relax!
A while back a friend introduced me to a book "When I Relax I Feel Guilty". At the time I wasn't that busy, or didn't feel that pressed for time, but now I am and now I do. And I do feel guilty for doing nothing. So I'm doing things that I probably "shouldn't" be doing on vacation. I stopped by the office yesterday and was told "you don't belong here." But I needed to be there. When one is on vacation, it doesn't stop the fact that there are things to do. Maybe next time I take some time off, the family and I should go to Hawaii or Mexico or to the U.P. . Actually get away and leave the phone and the laptop at home.
With all this being said, I realize the need for balance. I love the idea of sabbath rest. We need to recharge our batteries: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And better said, we need the Lord to recharge our batteries. He is our strength and He is our rest.
We praise the Lord for the ministry to which He has called us. We thank Him for the busyness that at we times complain about. But most of all we thank Him for who He is and for who He has made us; His children through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
May we all "be still before the Lord our God, our Maker" and enjoy Him and all the bounty that He has brought into our lives.
A Dios sea la gloria,

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's been a long time, baby!

Wow. A lot of time has passed since our last post. We are going to try to be much more consistent. Kinda like a mid-year resolution.
So much has been going on these past months. We are excited about getting back down to Curaco de Velez and continue shepherding the flock at Grace Baptist Church. Thanks to all of you who have so supportive in so many ways.
I'll write with more detail later, but wanted to get the ball rolling.....