Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blessed are you when people insult you

What is the first thing to happen when someone treats us unfairly? Please note that I don't say "what should happen when someone treats us unfairly?" Many times the first thing that comes to our hearts and minds is a feeling of anger (righteous or not). We may think of defending ourselves from someone's attack. We may think of how we will confront the individual(s) responsible for such an atrocity. But what is the first thing that we should do? Pray. Pray for your own heart. (Proverbs 4:23) Pray for the person (or people) who have wronged you. (Luke 23:34; Acts 7:60) Seek to have the right attitude/outlook on things. (Matthew 5:11-12; Philippians 4:4-7)
Just upon returning from a missions conference in Santiago, I was confronted with some vicious (and totally untrue) accusations against me. Truly satanic in nature. (Ephesians 6:16; 1st Peter 5:8-9) So what was my first reaction? I sorrow to say that my first reaction was to somehow defend myself. Then I thought to go right to this individual and confront them for these blasphemous statements. I felt that I had a right reason to be upset about this. But then as I got thinking about it I realized that my initial reaction wasn't entirely worthy of the gospel. I wasn't taking the time to pray that the Lord would help me to respond in a way that would honor Him. My first reaction was to respond in a way that would leave me in the clear. The Lord is my shield, He will defend His own. (Psalm 7:9-10) My second error was that I became upset with the individual who was directing the slander towards me, when I should have been praying for him. Then came the Holy Spirit's gentle direction for me to repent of my bad reaction and attitude and to pray about the situation and the individual(s) involved. So I apologized to Ruth for having responded incorrectly (and in so doing not given the testimony to her that I should have) and we prayed. What a weight was lifted from my heart! (Matthew 11:28-30; 1st Peter 5:7; Philippians 4:4-7) And I was reminded of the reality of spiritual warfare that is going on all around us.
Praise be to God that not only have we learned a bunch throughout the past couple of days, we have witnessed the Lord minister in and through the situation for His glory. Please continue to pray with us and for us that the gospel would go out with power and that the Lord would extend His saving and sustaining grace to those who so desperately need it.


Anonymous said...

Lord, thank-you for the Kennison's...and their heart for YOU and the lost. Please shore them up, keep them safe, and bless their family. Amen.

So appreciate your blog Daniel. A GREAT reminder for us all.


Stephanie said...

Daniel, We are sorry to hear of this attack but thank God for your faithfulness and godly response, and His faithful care over you.