Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A "new" home

Interesting word. New. I believe that it has been said that the true meaning of a word is "all in the way that one uses it." We plan on moving into our new home within the next couple of weeks. This new home is not new in the sense that it has recently been constructed. I would guess that the home is at least 50 or more years old. But in that we have never lived in it before, it is new to us.
You may ask for what reason we decided to leave the "old" home (7 years old) for the "new" home (50 plus years old). Well, as they say in real estate "Three important factors: location, location, location." The house that we currently live in is about a mile and a half from town. Honestly, the distance isn't great but it's location does make it a little more difficult for people to stop by and visit us. So, we have been praying and looking for something in town. And just when we felt that it didn't seem to be in the Lord's plans for us, this "new" house made itself available. We see this as an excellent opportunity to get to know more of the people in town and for them to be able to hear the good news that salvation is available through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf.
Please be praying for us and for our testimony in the community. We are glad that we have been getting to know more people and we pray that each contact would bear fruit and fruit that would last. May the Lord be glorified in and through our lives.
We currently have a couple of Bible studies going and a couple of new ones on the horizon. Please pray for us, that the Lord would give us opportunities to speak as to His glorious grace, and that the Holy Spirit would powerfully work through the preaching of the Word. (Rom 10:17)
Thank you all again for your love, friendship, and partnership in the gospel.

Daniel (for Ruth and the kids)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you found any furniture yet?
How are you and the Children doing.
I am doing better but still haveing
a good amount of pain. May be normal though.See the doctor Monday. will be starting shots soon have to have them every week for a year and then bi weekly for three years after that for alergies. May also have to carry a hep needle for when I have an attack or I will pass out. But that is ok. I have wrote Dr Briggs but havent hear from them yet. Had about three inches of snow last night,but the winter has really been mild so far. Pastor Carlson is leaveing for Israel Sat. To visit with Carol,I think that is great. They are going to run in a race together over their.
We are starting the Supper clubs again I think that is good. We miss all of you will be good to see you again.Praying for you always. Praying that God will really use you to win souls for our
Lord Jesus Christ. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth:but thou shall meditate therein day and night,that mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein. for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
May God Bless

In Christian
Love Dennis & Deb