Friday, February 03, 2006

It's about time

Time. We seem to have so little of it. What we have seems to go by so quickly. We should be very careful how we use it.
Just this morning I was reminded of something that I did exactly one week ago. At first I found it hard to believe that a whole week, 7 days, 168 hours, a lot of minutes, and a lot of seconds had passed by. But it was the truth. I took a quick moment to think of all that went into the last week, and looking back on it it appeared to be more than a week. We have so many things come into our lives that consume the time that the Lord has given us "on commission". I use that phrase "on commission" recognizing that He is the owner of everything (1st Chronicles 29:14) and that one day we will give an account for how we have used the time and opportunities placed before us and consequently be rewarded; much or little based upon our faithfulness (2nd Corinthians 5:9-10) Let us be found faithful to the Lord in the administration of the time that He has lent us.
In John 4:35 Jesus tells the disciples to check out the fields and notice that they are white unto harvest. How important it is for us to remember that NOW is the time. NOW we are to be out in the harvest fields. NOW we should be bringing in the fruit.
It gives us great joy to be representing the Lord and you His people here in this harvest field called Curaco de Velez. We have been seeing the Lord's hand at work in and through our lives. It is so cool! How important it is for us to remember that it is He who receives the glory when it is weak creatures like us are "doing" the work (1st Corinthians 1:26-29)
In the past week we have made some new and some improved contacts. Last night we had an exceptional time with a couple from whom we had been renting our house. It was wonderful to see and feel the Lord working in and through the lives of His people.
So, my brothers never forget that your work done for the Lord, your time spent in His service is not done in vain (1st Cor 15:58) I mean, that's what it's all about. Redeeming the time (Ephesians 5:16) Glorifying the One who has brought us out of the darkness, and into His glorious light (1st Peter 2:9)
May the blessings of the Lord be evident in your lives as you along with us seek to maximize "your" time and "your" gifts for the glory of the Lord and the edification of His church.

Daniel (for Ruth and the kids)


Anonymous said...


It's also about time that I made it to this blog! Glad to see that you folks are doing well.

Yesterday Anne asked if Grace, Daniel & Elizabeth could come to her house - Joan answered, "Someday". (Anne does not understand the concept of time yet.)

By the way, your family will be featured on the inside cover of the July/August issue of Keys for Kids!



Anonymous said...

Keep fighting the good fight. We look forward to seeing you soon. Tell the little ones hello, from us.
The Veilleux's