Friday, April 14, 2006

Special Ops

Do we see the work that we do for the Lord as a special, mega important mission? We certainly should see it as such. (1st Cor 15:58; 2nd Tim 2:3-4) And so cool to think that the Lord has also promised to reward us for the work that we do in His name. (Matt 25:34-40; 1st Cor 3:12-15). It definitely is a privilege for us to be serving the Lord here in the harvest field called Curaco de Velez. (John 4:35)
The past couple of weeks have been a flurry of special opportunities that the Lord has given us to serve Him and to make His grace known to the people of this small and remote island. We hope that the Lord has found us faithful in the opportunities that He has given us and that we would be found faithful in the opportunities to come.
We received a special visit the week of April 1 thru 8 as a five person group from our sending church at North Casnovia Baptist came down and ministered unto us and the people of Curaco. The group was busy throughout the week, seeing the ladies put on cooking classes and crafting. Intertweaved into these times were Bible studies and the sharing of testimonies of the Lord's working in our ladies lives. The ladies of the community really liked these times and we were glad to see at least one of the ladies in our Sunday service following the team's departure. We look forward to seeing how the Lord will use His Word in the lives of the ladies and of course the lives of their husbands and children. Please pray for these people and the ongoing contact that we hope to have with them.
We have been encouraged by the response that we have received from the community in regards to our Sunday services. With the children we have seen a high of 35 for our Sunday School, and for the adults we have had a high of 11 for our worship service. Please pray for these people and that the Word of the Lord would grow deeper and deeper into their hearts.
We look forward to having a special time of sharing and reflection as we celebrate the Lord's Supper with our brothers this evening. We will be taking some special time to remember what the Lord Jesus did for us some 1,975 years ago. (approximately) And then on Sunday we will have our service when we will of course be emphasizing the rescurrection of the Lord Jesus and its implications for our lives.
We are seeing our time here in Curaco winding down as we will be returning to the States for a time in order to broaden our base of support with the hope of being able to return shortly to continue the work that has begun here in Curaco. If you would like to hear more about the ministry or if you would like us to come and speak to your church about what's going on down here, please drop us a e-mail at
Please be praying for our co-workers, Jorge and Viviana. They are Chilean believers who have been with us here for the past several months and they plan on holding the spiritual ropes as we are gone for a time. Pray specifically for wisdom and for our brothers to keep their focus upon the Lord Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of their (and our) faith. (Heb 12:2)
So, there you have a short note on what's been going on here. Lots of people hearing the Word of the Lord and hopefully lots of people seeing it lived out before them. May the Lord's blessing be evident in your lives and ministries as you along with us seek to be found faithful to the One who has called you into His service.
For the King alone,
Daniel (for Ruth, the kids, and the rest at Grace Baptist Church)

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