Friday, November 30, 2007

Thank you for your prayers and be careful with those street vendors

The long and odd title to this post actually has some meat to it. Many of you (hopefully there are many of you read this blog) have been praying for us. Again we humbly say "thank you". These last days we have especially sensed the need for prayer.
We have been here for almost three weeks now and have been overwhelmed with all the things that we've needed to do. We went from the near purchase of an "almost" new home to the need to fix various things in a "no way close to" new home. Mountains of paperwork from opening a checking account (not nearly as easy as in the U.S.) to getting a national i.d. card and a Chilean driver's license (both for Daniel) to many other beaurocratic wranglings. Fun, fun, fun. Well, not really but all quite necessary to live and minister most effectively. ***I know for those cynics out there you could say the Apostle Paul didn't have a driver's license nor a checking account. Amen. But we are living in the 21st century now aren't we?!?***
Then on this past Tuesday as I was beginning the first of my three day journey towards obtaining a Chilean driver's license (yes, that's how long it takes down here in southern Chile! So don't go complaining about the EXCELLENT attention given at your local Secretary of State) and I was getting a little hungry on my way back home. So as my friend Jorge and I were crossing over on the ferry from the main island to our smaller island I was intrigued by the street vendor's offer of some meat empanadas. (for those of you who might not know, an empanada is a baked or fried bread stuffed with meat, chicken, seafood and/or cheese) I am always up for an empanada and I was really hungry and she was selling them quite cheap so I went ahead and bought four, two for Jorge and two for me. It wasn't until the next morning that I realized that I shouldn't have eaten those empanadas! I was totally wiped out for two days. High fever, chills, head and body aches and I probably lost at least 5 to 10 pounds. When I called Jorge last night (Thursday) to ask him to fill in for me at Bible Study he told me that he as well had been knocked down by some bug but that it only stuck with him for 1 day. That was when we traced our infection back to the empanadas that we ate on Tuesday afternoon. Whereas I realize that I am not a detective (well, of sorts as the Scripture tells us to diligently search the Word of God-2nd Tim 2:15; Acts 17:11) the empanadas are the prime (and only) suspect. Anyway I am so, so thankful to be feeling better and I will be much more careful and disciplined when the next street vendor approaches me about purchasing their wares.
Some of you knew of this situation as it was going on and were praying for me (Daniel) specifically. There are those of you who were praying generally for me and my family. To both of these groups, thank you very much. The Lord used all of your prayers and the prayers of our Thursday night Bible Study group to bring about healing. After a 10:30 pm visit from the paramedic, an injection, and some "stomach calming agents", I actually had a decent night's sleep and woke up today feeling like a new man.
Have you realized how we tend to forget how good we have it until our situation changes for what appears to be the worst? If we are accustomed to feeling good we can take it for granted. If we are accustomed to being able to drink the water (without getting sick) or use a public restroom for free we can take it for granted. If we are used to having a hot shower or a large, warm house in which to live we can take it for granted. May it not be so. May we learn to be thankful and rejoice in the Lord for what He graciously provides for us. (Matt 6:25-33; James 1:17) But may we never cease to thank the Lord for His incredible gift to us in Christ. (2nd Corinthians 9:15) God is great and greatly to be praised. May we focus on Him and His Kingdom and His righteousness. And always be thankful! And once again, we are thankful for your prayers and ask that you continue praying for us and the work down here in Curaco. Your prayers are being mercifully and graciously answered by the Lord and we give Him all the praise for any good thing that results from our ministry down here on the island. To God be the glory!
Daniel (for Ruth and family)

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