Saturday, March 07, 2009

I knew this was coming

Some things are just bound to happen. We have been here for about 16 months now and have done many of the things that a local body of Christ does: baptism, Lord's Supper, baby dedication, etc. While I still have not performed a wedding ceremony, tonight was my first opportunity to officiate a funeral here in Chile. I was given approximately an hours notice, but I believe that the Lord answered my prayer that the Name of and Person of Christ would be glorified. The funeral was for a dear sister named Miriam who had two inoperable (and growing) brain tumors. If she did not have them operated on she was given just a few months to live and if she did have them operated on she was told she might not make it through the operation. Well, as it turns out she did have them operated on and after a couple of weeks in a coma and then having shown some improvement she died suddenly yesterday afternoon. Ruth and I had spoken of the delicate nature of Miriam's condition and about how we as a church could minister to Miriam and her family. Many in her family are people who grew up with a knowledge of the gospel yet they appear to be far from the Lord. Please pray along with us that the Lord would do the necessary work in their hearts and that we would be able to minister to them the truth of the gospel, in both word and deed. And please pray as well for the chance we will have to minister in another funeral for Miriam that will be held at Grace Baptist on Monday morning. (tonight's funeral was held in the family's home) To God be the glory! Praise be to God for the victory that we have in Jesus Christ. (John 16:33)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hermano, We are thankful for you and your ministry for God's glory both in times of joy and sadness!