Sunday, May 03, 2009

John the Baptizer

Today we continued on in our journey through the gospel according to Mark. What an adventure it has been so far; and we have ten whole chapters to go! What a blessing it was for us to assemble together as a family of faith and worship the One True God, through His Son Jesus Christ.
After having a time of praise through prayer and singing, along came a time to praise God through the reading of His Word. Our main text was Mark 6:14-29 and along with that we also read Matthew 11:1-11. What an encouragement it was to read about the faithfulness of God in and through the life of John the Baptizer. Even though this guy did not have "His Best Life Now" during his days on the Earth, we can definitely see that he was blessed by God. Obviously there were times when he felt lonely, defeated, and didn't have all the answers. But what he did have was an unwavering trust in the Living God. He knew what he had been sent to do. He had completed his mission. He was faithful to the end. We as a body of believers were encouraged, exhorted, and confronted by the example of John. May we through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit be faithful to the end of the task(s) that the Lord has given to us. I am sure that moments after his beheading John heard "well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord." At that moment of his death, he truly began to experience "His Best Life Now". Press on brothers and sisters until the end. The finish line may or not be in sight, but the important thing is that we are in the race and each of us has been given a mission to accomplish for the glory of God. Be strong in the Lord! Be a hero (or heroine) of the faith!

1 comment:

MI Finch's said...

Hi Kennison's,
We pray for you :) Last
night was our mission's budget
mtg for 2009/2010. How's support
going for you guys? Just checking up!

Also, this is back to John the Baptizer...did he have a wife? Were some of the disciples married? Just curious. Guess I could google it :)
