Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Technical difficulties

I remember as a "t.v. loving" youngster the frustration I felt when the image would fade out and the words "we are experiencing technical difficulties" would pass across the screen. More times than not (or at least it seemed) this would happen at a moment of "critical" importance. It was so frustrating! Just imagining all of the super important and exciting things that I was missing out on drove me to the brink of insanity. Of course I survived and learned some valuable lessons in patience and how technology is fun but cannot always be relied upon. Fast forward to April of 2010.
For several days I have wanted to update the blog. As much as I try to stay current, it seems like something often gets in the way. This time it was due to a technical difficulty. I don't know why, but I was not able to log on to my blogger account. Just now I have been able to. (obviously) Well, here I am back from my technical difficulties. So, what have you missed out on? There were some ideas that I had for blog reports that I have since forgotten. What I can remember is that the Lord has been good to us and has blessed the ministry of the local church. This past Sunday (the 18th) we had a wonderful time around the Word of God. Our service that normally goes for an hour or at most an hour and a half, went past the two hour mark and get this nobody complained nor got up and walked out. Some did have to take a bathroom break, but they all stayed with me. Meetings were planned throughout the week and we look forward to what the Lord has in store.
As well on Sunday, we celebrated the 7th birthday of little Daniel. He is growing into a wonderful little man. He expresses his love and hope in the Lord and we pray that this would continue throughout the rest of his life. Please pray for him and for his sisters too. Thanks.
Isn't it good to know that our God does not experience technical difficulties? He does not slumber nor sleep, and His eye is always on us. When we call to Him, He will answer and He will work all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Dear friends, rejoice in the Lord and in the power of His might!

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