Friday, July 10, 2009

Cheering them on

Today was a big day for Elizabeth and Daniel. They had a basketball game. For those of you who know that we homeschool, you would also realize that even though we have five children, they aren't all old enough to make up a basketball team. But with things as they are, the local school invites Elizabeth and Daniel to play with them. (Kinda like back in the States, right?) Anyway, it was the day of the game and of course I forgot to bring the camera! So please use your imagination. A lot of kids (10) running around, not completely sure of what they are supposed to be doing, but definitely having a great time. In the stands were Rebekah and I (Ruth stayed home with Grace and Tabitha) cheering on our little stars. Of course I tried not to cheer too loud, I didn't want to be like one of those stereotypical way-too-into-it sports parents. I really had to contain myself. Especially since I stand out as the one dad who isn't from around here, I wanted to blend in a bit with the other parents. It was fun cheering them on.
This makes me think of the passage in the book of Hebrews, chapter 12:1 to be exact. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (NIV) In chapter 11 we read about the heroes of the faith and how they served the Lord. And then the idea in verse 1 of chapter 12 that this great cloud of witnesses that has went before us (into the presence of God) is cheering us on to the finish line. That we would press on as the Apostle Paul desired to (Philippians 3:12-14) and as we read later, ultimately did. (2nd Timothy 4:6-8) And I am sure that just as the angels rejoice when an unbeliever puts his or her faith in Christ (Luke 15:7), they rejoice when the believer walks faithfully with the Lord. They are cheering us on too. And then we have the opportunity in the here and now to cheer each other on. We can drop each other a good word like "press on brother/press on sister", "in the power of the Lord you can (and will) make it to the finish line", or just a simple "I'm cheering for you." What a blessing it can be to know that we are being cheered for. Sometimes we may need to put aside our timidity and cheer really loud. Maybe we do need to stand out some and by so doing encourage those around us that the race or the battle is worth winning and to press on to victory.
Please know that I am praying in general for all of you who will read this blog and those to come. By so doing I am cheering for you that you would be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. I pray that you would know who you are in Christ, if you are in Him, and if you are not that you would come to know who He is and who He can transform you into.
Cheering for you.


Heidi said...

Cheering with you, Daniel and standing on the promises of God.

Stephanie said...

Basketball sounds fun! We've enjoyed having you guys here to visit this week. :)