Saturday, February 27, 2010

After the earthquake, we are all okay!

We have been very thankful for those who have expressed their concern for us over the last 12+ hours. Of course we are also thankful to the Lord for our health and safety. The epicenter of the quake (8.8) was about 400 miles north of us and all that we felt were "mild" tremors (3.5) which aren't abnormal for us down here. I (Daniel) went to bed around 3 a.m. and woke up around 7 a.m. to get off to the airport in Puerto Montt to pick up two brothers from North Casnovia Baptist Church. About one hour into the trip (8 a.m.) Ruth called me and told me of the massive earthquake in the north and that the airport was closed. So, I turned around and went back. Then Ruth told me that she had felt the bed sway back and forth around 3:30 a.m., but I slept right through it. Imagine that Ruth felt such a shaking with our 3.5 tremor, what would the 8.8 have felt like? Ruth's family went through an 8 up in Santiago where they live. Everyone had their life spared, yet there was great material damage to her younger brother's condo. They will stay with Ruth's parents for a while.
There are several families from the church (Grace Baptist) who have not been able to get in contact with their loved ones in the hardest hit areas. The phone lines are cut and they have no idea what's going on with their families. Please pray for the families of Jorge and Vivi and Jorge and Evelyn. Thank you.
We will keep you posted on any new updates. Chao.


Grace said...

Pastor Daniel,
Thanks soooo much for updating. I was so worried about my friends in Santiago, but I read that for the most part it was just scary shaking up there. But I was also so worried about my brothers and sister in Chiloe!! Thanks for letting us know that you guys are OK...I was so worried since Chiloe is surrounded by water there would be some horrible tsunamis. Gracias a Dios....

Unknown said...

Thanks for informing us of your safety. What a wonderful God who protects us in time of trouble. I think I didn't realize how far you were (in miles) from the point of the earthquake. Thanks again! Mitze Brisbin

Amelia said...

Glad to hear that you are all okay, we were so worried. We'll be praying for your neighbors and their families. God bless you.

Amelia and Joshua Hilden
Missoula Montana