Monday, March 01, 2010


The past two days have been difficult as we see many of our fellow citizens suffering through the aftermath of one of history's worst recorded earthquakes. Over 700 lives have been lost and many, many people have lost a great deal or all of their material possessions.
In my last post, I mentioned the fact that two of our church families had not heard from their loved ones who were very close to the epicenter of the quake. This morning (Monday) both families received the good news that their families were safe and sound. We had lifted many prayers to the Lord on their behalf and we lifted one more of thanks for His gracious working in their lives.
Many people are still unaccounted for. One of the areas hardest hit was my old hometown where I lived back in the late 1990's. The people are without water and electricity for the third day now. Please join with us in prayer for the family of Jose and Luisa and the many more who are being and/or have been affected by this catastrophe.
Yesterday in our Sunday worship service we read Psalm 46 as it seemed so appropriate for our situation. To paraphrase, "even though the Earth trembles and the mountains fall into the sea, I have One in whom I can trust. Be still and know that He is the Lord. " The situation in the country is critical, but there is hope in Christ. Of course we are thankful for His watchcare over us, but we are most thankful for our relationship with Him. (1st John 3:1; 1st Thessalonians 5:18)


Heidi said...

Praying for you and yours, Daniel and Ruth.

avidetich said...

Great Scripture for the time. Saturday was an awful day.