Friday, June 13, 2008

Lights going on

Well it's about 6am and I decided that now was the best of any to get up and have some time alone with the Lord and the computer. As I contemplate that last phrase I realize how it might sound. I obviously I do not want to imply that in order to commune with the Lord that we need to have a computer in tow. What craziness that would be! No, what I wanted to communicate is that right now is the most quiet that I will find it to do one thing very important (spend time alone with the Lord) and another thing semi-important; put out a new post. So hopefully that clears up any confusion if there were any....
The title of this entry is "lights going on". It doesn't refer to physical lights but to spiritual light shining into people's hearts. Last night we had a Bible study with one of our most faithful church attenders. She is a lady who had grown up in church but as she got older she started to grow lukewarm. Her husband doesn't share her beliefs but is very open to her attending our church and us having Bible studies in their home. As we shared in the beginning of our study last week she made the comment that she doesn't know much about the Bible even though she has been a Christian for many years. Our reaction was an enthusiastic "well, let's do something about that!Let's dig into the Word!" So last night as we were sharing with her from the Word, the questions just kept pouring out of her. Not just any kind of questions but good questions, insightful questions. It was obvious that she was thinking about these things for some time and wanted to have a clear understanding what God's Word had to say on these things. Lights were going on. She just needed someone to come alongside of her and point her to the Lord and to His Word. We are clear about who we are as ambassadors of Christ. (2nd Corinthians 5:20) Just as John the Baptist said, "it's necessary that He (Christ) becomes more and that I become less." (John 3:30) Again along with "The Baptizer" we rejoice in "preparing the Way of the Lord"; pointing people to the Father through Him and trusting in the Holy Spirit for not only turning the first light on (regeneration) but to keep it shining and shining (sanctification) until the day of Christ.
So to sum this all up, we praise the Lord for the opportunity to know Him and to make Him known. Sometimes as God's servants we don't have the opportunity to see fruit from our labors but other times we do. Regardless of the results may we be faithful to use God's light (Psalm 119:105) to point people to the Light of the world, Jesus Christ. (John 8:12)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! It is good to catch up with your work. May God continue to bless you and Ruth. We love you.
Ann Videtich