Saturday, June 07, 2008

Worse than we think

Interesting that we often don't see ourselves as bad as we really are. I went to the doctor yesterday to find out why I have been coughing up so much green stuff and having some obstruction in my breathing. When the doctor looked at me she informed me that I indeed had some bronchial obstruction along with sinus congestion and an inflamed throat. Ok. And then she told me that I also had pink eye in both of my eyes. What? Pink eye? I can't remember ever having that before! I was worse off than I thought! So I left the office with an armful of medication that hopefully will give me some relief.
Now let us consider our sinful condition. God's Word is clear on the topic as it states that apart from Christ we are dead in our transgressions and sins (Ephesians 2:1). Not just kinda sick, but totally dead. Unable to fix ourselves we need someone to fix us. The only One who can do that is Jesus Christ. (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1st Timothy 2:5-6) But many times people think that they really aren't that bad. They think that maybe they have some flaws, but surely they are alive. Physically yes, but spiritually no. So how will they find this out? Well this is our opportunity to share the good news. The good news in that although we must share the truth of man's spiritually dead condition, we also share with them the truth that God offers healing and restoration through the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. May we never fall into the error of leading people to believe that they are "better than they are", let us lovingly tell them the truth that they are "worse than they think". Only by telling them the truth will there be any hope for them of recovering from their wretched condition.
"Today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ, the Lord." Luke 2:11


Anonymous said...

Let us be thankful that God's remedy for our spritual ill is effective all the time. (Heb.9:14). Regarding your physical condition. . .Stay home!

Anonymous said...

Buen mensaje, y espero que te hayas mejorado fisicamente!