Sunday, February 15, 2009

Crown Him With Many Crowns

There are so many hymns that are near and dear to my heart. Many of you who have been close enough to hear my "not-so-melodious" voice know that I will never be invited to sing a solo in the church choir. Praise to the Lord that all He requires is that we "make a joyful noise to the Lord." Good.
Today "Crown Him With Many Crowns" was one of the songs that we had programmed to sing during our Sunday noon gathering. However there were some technical difficulties and the aforementioned song got pushed back to a later date. No matter. We still "crowned the Lord" with our praises through other songs, prayers, our giving, and through the preaching of His Word. As we read in the Scripture, we are to do all unto the glory of the Lord; (1st Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:16) and by so doing we "crown Him with many crowns".
What a privilege and a joy it is to gather together and worship with God's people. As we sang in another song, "Praise Him! Praise Him!", speaking of His excellent greatness and grace to save. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
The Lord Jesus is seated on His throne exalted and one day (soon) He will come back to the Earth that He created(along with His Father and the Holy Spirit) to defeat His enemies and to reign over the planet throughout the millennium. We as believers are not exempt from trials and tribulations, however we are assured of the victory that we already have in Christ (Romans 8:37) and look forward to the consummation that the Lord has promised. (Revelation 22:20)
So brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord and never cease to praise Him!

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