Saturday, May 31, 2008

A High View of Scripture

Sola Scriptura. Scripture Alone. Of course it shouldn't just be a neat, little catchphrase. It is the recognition that our ultimate guide for faith and practice is found in a book; God's book called "The Bible". As the old song goes, "The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me, I'll read and pray and then obey the B-I-B-L-E." Some accuse of us as being "Bible worshipers" but we tell them that there is no truth in their accusation. We are worshipers of the One True God and we believe that He has revealed Himself in the Bible. Where would be without the Bible? How could we be reconciled to our Creator apart from it? Whereas God "could" have chosen a different way to communicate to us, He still chose to use a book. The Book that would recount His works from creation to fall to restoration. May we never stop thanking God for His Book and may we never cease to have a high view of Scripture.
Please pray for us and for the flock of Grace Baptist Church as we take a stand in our community for the infallible, living, and sufficient word of God. And please pray for the Spirit of God to work in the hearts of His people so that they would follow in the footsteps of the Word of God by putting God's Word into practice. (John 14:15; 17:17; James 1:22; 1st John 2:6)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

OK, I'm not from around here

I don't think it is so much the face or the height that point to the fact that I am a foreigner in this land. It cannot be my fancy clothes nor the new vehicle that I drive; since I don't have either. It must be the accent. Not the fact that I cannot be understood by the locals but the accent is thick enough that they know that I am not Chilean. Sometimes they think I'm from Uruguay or maybe Brasil. Kinda like in the U.S. when we run across an Australian, or a Brit, or a Canadian. (Ha Ha Bill) The really funny thing is when the people don't think that Ruth is Chilean. They say that she has an accent as well. Too much time hanging out with the gringo I suppose.
But what we do tell the people is that although we aren't from this specific area we do feel that this is the place that God wants us to be right now. We tell them that we have come to share the good news that the One True God offers reconciliation to sinful rebels through their responding in faith to the sacrifice of His Eternal Son. The Son of God's face nor His height would have made people think that He was from somewhere else. (Is 53:2) It definitely wasn't His fancy clothes nor the beautiful chariot in which He traveled. It wouldn't have been His accent that gave Him away as being from somewhere else. It was His message that distinguised Him from the rest. He came with a message that the One True God offers reconciliation to sinful rebels through their responding in faith to the sacrifice that His Eternal Son would give on their behalf. (2nd Corinthians 5:21) And that He would be that sacrifice! (Mark 10:45) And as we read in John 1:14 and John 17:3, the One who was not from "around here" came down here so that we might know and experience eternal life through Him. He came to His own people (the Jews) but they did not receive Him, but to those who receive Him, to those who believe in His Name, they have received the power to be made children of God. (John 1:11-12) So He could say "No, I'm not from around here. But I have come here that you might know my Father and therefore become His children." And that is the same thing that I say, "No, I'm not from around here. But I have come here that you might know my Father."
Please continue to pray for a fruitful harvest for the glory of God. Thanks again for your friendship and partnership in the gospel.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is anybody out there?

The reason for the title is quite simple. I want to know if I am writing this as some kind of quasi-diary or if anyone is actually reading this blog. Some time back I enlisted the "help" of a website that informs on how many people check out the blog. For the last several months my count has been at zero for everyday. So please know that this isn't just some desperate plea for affirmation, but if you could please leave a comment after this post so that I know that I am not just writing this for myself.
Thank you. If there is anybody out there.....

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A High View of God

Either we have it or we don't. A high view of God. How do we see God? Do we see Him as small and moldable by our human hands or do we see Him as the Immutable Creator of the universe? This was today's message at Grace Baptist Church as we look at the pillars that hold up our church. Of course it is the Word of God that reveals to us the attributes of God and of His working in the lives of His people. We will be getting to that in a later message.
Today I felt horrible. Sinus congestion, body aches, and fever. I surely wanted to stay in bed but I knew that I couldn't. I had prepared a message for the flock and truly felt that this was something that they needed to hear. Praise God for His grace in that He allowed me to preach the message and quickly get home and back into bed. My intention for writing this is not to pat myself on the back for the discharging of my responsibilities. My intention is to glorify the Lord through my recognition of His strength and of my incredible weakness. It is the Lord's Spirit and work in me that allows me to do anything that is pleasing in His sight (1st Corinthians 1:31). While I wallowed in my aches and pains, I took my eyes off of the Lord "high and lifted up." (Is 6:1-5) I forgot for a moment that it was He who gave me a mouth in the first place and it was He who had given me the air that I breathe. So I committed myself and the message unto Him and went about my Father's business. I repented of my low view of God and declared that I would "lift up my eyes to the hills from where my help comes from." (Psalm 121:1-2) May our eyes be lifted up to the heavens and not stuck here on the Earth. (Heb 12:1-2) We aren't the important ones, God is the IMPORTANT ONE, THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. May He receive praise in and through His church; here in Curaco de Velez and to the ends of the Earth!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Seek first the Kingdom of God

Interesting how things often turn out differently than we had planned. This past Saturday I had a Bible Study set up at 2 pm with a brother from our church. It had been raining hard all day (and the night before) so we got a little wet on the way down to the church. Ruth had come along with me to set things up for our services the following day. Around 3:30 pm there was a knock on the door. It was the brother with whom I was to have the Bible Study at 2 pm. "What happened?" I asked him. He told me that he didn't think that I was going to come due to the bad weather and that he now had to fulfill a commitment that he had with his family. "Could you give me a lift?" was his next statement. I agreed and off we went. The roads were wet and the ground was soft and muddy. Jorge advised me to just leave him at the entrance to his parents house but I insisted to go down the hill and take advantage of the opportunity to share with his parents as well. (dad professes faith in Christ) So we go down the hill and I suddenly notice that it is the grass is extremely soft and mushy and I am not going to make it out very easily. I try a couple of times to get to higher ground but to no avail. Then came the crazy idea....
Why don't we try to push the truck uphill? It only weighs a couple of thousand pounds! How crazy. I get out and Jorge and I are pushing the truck from the back end when it starts to advance backwards and not forwards. "What's the big deal?" you may ask. Well, down the hill is about a 200 meter drop into the ocean. Not good. So I need to make a split second decision. I must somehow stop the truck and fast. I run around the side and dive into the front cab and slam on the break. What an adrenaline rush. What a relief to have stopped the vehicle but now how were we going to get it out? We went out onto the side road and someone with 4 wheel drive passed by. He hooked on to my truck and was able to pull me out. I was really wishing that I would have had the $$$ to get my 4 wheel drive fixed. Maybe later. Anyway I say "chao" to Jorge and agree to see him the next day in church. Sunday comes around and after the children's Sunday School the adults started to come out for our adult service. We always give time for testimonies and on this day Jorge came forward. He rehearsed for the group what had gone on the day prior and how he had been at fault. Through tears he shared with the congregation about his poor decision in having blown off the Bible Study in order to watch a soccer game with his brother and father. And then there was almost the major incident with the truck. He stated that he had erred in seeking the things of this world before the things of the Kingdom of God. Jorge finished by stating that with the help of the Lord he wouldn't do this again. What a testimony! He recognized his sin and gave glory to the Lord by so doing and encouraged the rest of us to have our priorities right: seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. And there was even a little bit of irony thrown in..... After I had been towed out and went on my way, Jorge went back into his parents house. His dad came in the room and invited Jorge to have something to eat. Jorge said "Dad, we are going to miss the game." Then his dad countered with "Son, the game has been postponed due to the bad weather." When I heard this I couldn't help but laugh and thank God for His mercy and for using this situation in our lives to draw us closer to Himself.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Be anxious for nothing

People in the streets were talking about the dust that fell from the sky. I didn't see it. I will admit that the thought of volcanic ash falling upon our town was a bit intriguing. The volcanic explosion of a couple of weeks ago had not affected us but it had greatly affected the inhabitants of Chaiten and Futalefu only about 100 miles away from us. It has been said that if the winds had been directed to the west and not to the east that we would have been the ones evacuated from our homes. But this wasn't the plan of the Lord for us. The people here on our island sympathized with those affected by the explosion and at the same time were thankful that it didn't affect us physically. People were still a little worried when they heard of more action from the volcano and the possibility of the winds blowing our way. So when the dust started to come down, the people started to worry. We got a call the other night from one of our friends asking "have you seen the ash falling from the sky and covering the ground?" We answered "no" and I soon went outside to check out the situation. I couldn't see anything on the ground (it was night) but I could feel a thin layer on the hood of my truck. So we just went to bed figuring if there were to occur something more urgent that we would be informed of it. The next day (yesterday) came around and there was a town wide power and telephone outage and people again worried about the possible connection to the volcano. Our friends expressed again their concern and we encouraged them to not worry but to trust in the Lord.
As believers in Christ what other option do we have? The Scripture makes it very clear that God is faithful and can always be trusted. To not trust Him is to essentially call Him a liar and the Scripture also tells us that God cannot lie. The Apostle Paul reminds us to "be anxious for nothing but with all prayer and supplication let your requests be made known unto God". That's what we choose to do. Not just with the volcano situation but in all situations. We want to honor God by declaring to Him and to others that He can be trusted. He is our refuge, He is our shelter, He is our shield. Of course we are succeptible just like anyone else to the "natural disasters" that our world experiences: earthquakes, cyclones, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc. But we also know that we dwell under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91) and His eye is upon us on the sparrow (Matt 10:29-31); how much more will He take care of us? Beloved trust in God! Be anxious for nothing!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thank God for His grace!

In our Sunday adult services we have been studying the Apostle Paul's letter to the Galatians. What a blessing it has been to our congregation! We have been confronted over and over again by the grace of God in Jesus Christ. No trust can be placed in man nor in his works; our only hope is in Christ. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (2nd Corinthians 9:15)
Theologians speak of God's common grace and His special grace. Whereas they are radically different they both reflect the glory of God in His creation. The way that He makes the rain fall on the just and the unjust (it is pouring right now), the way that He provides food for the sparrow and for the rest of His creation, the way that He keeps our little blue ball in its perfect little orbit, etc... And then there is His aforementioned special grace. Oh to think that He would extend forgiveness to those who have so horrendously rebelled against Him! What incredible grace in not only showing us mercy, but in showing us forgiveness and reconciliation through faith in Christ.
Thank God for His grace!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Grace!


A friend dropped an e-mail along with a little hint that not much has been reported lately on this blog. So I say "hola" to all who are checking this out. How are you? I realize that sometimes I go on and on about us, but don't take the time to ask about you. Sorry. Please get in touch with us and let us know of what's going on with you and if you have any prayer requests.
We are all doing well. In the last couple of posts I made mentioned of our new building. It really is nice to have the extra space. Just today we had a little "tea time" with the moms of our Sunday School kids. It was nice to see some of the kids' moms actually show up, since quite a few of the kids don't have parents who are involved at the church. I would ask for prayer for one of moms, her name is Miriam and she has what appears to be an inoperable brain tumor. Whereas we have prayed for her physical healing our most urgent concern is for her to have peace with the Father through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Sunday services are great times of worship and edification. The Lord has blessed our weekly Bible studies. We have changed the format where we (Ruth and myself) now go into the homes and have studies with the individual families. This has been a blessing. There is a very obvious need for Biblical instruction. Please pray along with us for the Holy Spirit's work in and through the Word to change all of our hearts.
The English classes are a big hit with the kids. Currently about 75% of the students are kids who come to the Sunday School. It would be great to see that number swell closer to 100%.
Guitar class (taught by Ruth of course!) is going well for the adults and for the kids. The adults who shared special music several times during our Sunday morning worship services.
The Bible Institute has been a real blessing. We meet every Friday night for about 2 1/2 hours. It is a 2 year program and those who complete all the requirements will receive a certificate in Bible Studies. We are currently meeting in 2 different churches in 2 different towns, but when the next semester rolls around (in August) we will be one of the host churches. This is another benefit of our larger meeting place. Since our format is 2 weeks at one church (in one town) and 2 weeks at another church (in a different town) it will be nice to just have to travel about 3 blocks down to the church for our 2 weeks.
The kids are doing well. Daniel turned 5 back in April and Grace turned 4 last week. They are growing up so fast! Seems like someone told me that it would happen that way. With experience comes wisdom.
But hey, I had better stop typing. For various reasons. Number one being that you probably don't want to read much more. And number two being so I can share some more updates tomorrow.
Grace to you all.