Sunday, May 11, 2008


A friend dropped an e-mail along with a little hint that not much has been reported lately on this blog. So I say "hola" to all who are checking this out. How are you? I realize that sometimes I go on and on about us, but don't take the time to ask about you. Sorry. Please get in touch with us and let us know of what's going on with you and if you have any prayer requests.
We are all doing well. In the last couple of posts I made mentioned of our new building. It really is nice to have the extra space. Just today we had a little "tea time" with the moms of our Sunday School kids. It was nice to see some of the kids' moms actually show up, since quite a few of the kids don't have parents who are involved at the church. I would ask for prayer for one of moms, her name is Miriam and she has what appears to be an inoperable brain tumor. Whereas we have prayed for her physical healing our most urgent concern is for her to have peace with the Father through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Sunday services are great times of worship and edification. The Lord has blessed our weekly Bible studies. We have changed the format where we (Ruth and myself) now go into the homes and have studies with the individual families. This has been a blessing. There is a very obvious need for Biblical instruction. Please pray along with us for the Holy Spirit's work in and through the Word to change all of our hearts.
The English classes are a big hit with the kids. Currently about 75% of the students are kids who come to the Sunday School. It would be great to see that number swell closer to 100%.
Guitar class (taught by Ruth of course!) is going well for the adults and for the kids. The adults who shared special music several times during our Sunday morning worship services.
The Bible Institute has been a real blessing. We meet every Friday night for about 2 1/2 hours. It is a 2 year program and those who complete all the requirements will receive a certificate in Bible Studies. We are currently meeting in 2 different churches in 2 different towns, but when the next semester rolls around (in August) we will be one of the host churches. This is another benefit of our larger meeting place. Since our format is 2 weeks at one church (in one town) and 2 weeks at another church (in a different town) it will be nice to just have to travel about 3 blocks down to the church for our 2 weeks.
The kids are doing well. Daniel turned 5 back in April and Grace turned 4 last week. They are growing up so fast! Seems like someone told me that it would happen that way. With experience comes wisdom.
But hey, I had better stop typing. For various reasons. Number one being that you probably don't want to read much more. And number two being so I can share some more updates tomorrow.
Grace to you all.

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