Wednesday, May 28, 2008

OK, I'm not from around here

I don't think it is so much the face or the height that point to the fact that I am a foreigner in this land. It cannot be my fancy clothes nor the new vehicle that I drive; since I don't have either. It must be the accent. Not the fact that I cannot be understood by the locals but the accent is thick enough that they know that I am not Chilean. Sometimes they think I'm from Uruguay or maybe Brasil. Kinda like in the U.S. when we run across an Australian, or a Brit, or a Canadian. (Ha Ha Bill) The really funny thing is when the people don't think that Ruth is Chilean. They say that she has an accent as well. Too much time hanging out with the gringo I suppose.
But what we do tell the people is that although we aren't from this specific area we do feel that this is the place that God wants us to be right now. We tell them that we have come to share the good news that the One True God offers reconciliation to sinful rebels through their responding in faith to the sacrifice of His Eternal Son. The Son of God's face nor His height would have made people think that He was from somewhere else. (Is 53:2) It definitely wasn't His fancy clothes nor the beautiful chariot in which He traveled. It wouldn't have been His accent that gave Him away as being from somewhere else. It was His message that distinguised Him from the rest. He came with a message that the One True God offers reconciliation to sinful rebels through their responding in faith to the sacrifice that His Eternal Son would give on their behalf. (2nd Corinthians 5:21) And that He would be that sacrifice! (Mark 10:45) And as we read in John 1:14 and John 17:3, the One who was not from "around here" came down here so that we might know and experience eternal life through Him. He came to His own people (the Jews) but they did not receive Him, but to those who receive Him, to those who believe in His Name, they have received the power to be made children of God. (John 1:11-12) So He could say "No, I'm not from around here. But I have come here that you might know my Father and therefore become His children." And that is the same thing that I say, "No, I'm not from around here. But I have come here that you might know my Father."
Please continue to pray for a fruitful harvest for the glory of God. Thanks again for your friendship and partnership in the gospel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Otro muy buen mensaje. Somos todos de otro lugar- y pasamos de aqui a la ciudad celestial.