Wednesday, July 23, 2008

VBS Days 2 and 3

The VBS adventure is still going strong. Day Two was better than Day One. Not only were there more kids, they were better behaved. This was a lot to do with Ruth's "zero tolerance" disrespect policy. I wasn't there when she instituted it but it was obvious that the kids were there and heard her loud and clear. By the end of the day Ruth was feeling very poorly. She already had an appointment at the doctor for a sick Tabitha and she also took advantage to have the doctor take a quick look at her. "You look palid" said the doctor and Ruth said "I need to get sick....." So both Ruth and Tabitha got sent home with some medication and around 8 o'clock the paramedic on call came by and hooked Ruth up to an I.V. right in our bed. I told Ruth that her situation looked bleak but it would get better and someday (soon) be a good analogy about the rigors of VBS.
Day 3 found Ruth at home recovering from her illness. Fortunately we had two brothers from another town come over and help us with the VBS. The music wasn't nearly as harmonious but the Word was preached and we trust in the Lord for the results. Several children indicated their need (and desire) to have Christ forgive them of their sins. Please pray for them and for the Spirit to truly illuminate them. (if He already hasn't)
Day 4.... What wonders will it bring?

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