Wednesday, July 02, 2008

37 degrees farenheit (inside!)

It has been very cold over the last couple of weeks. And due to our house's lack of insulation and adequate heating sources we have been very chilly here in the south of Chile. Maybe we should start eating some "chili" for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With some nice, hot peppers of course.
Would any of you, the multitudes who read this blog, have any ideas about how we could keep the house warmer than 37 degrees? Our friend and partner in ministry, Jorge Villalobos, suggested that we get a different house. Good idea but easier said than done. We have followed up some leads but nothing has surfaced. It appears that we will be here for a while. So any good ideas would be "warmly" accepted.
Things are going well with the ministry. People are receiving and rejecting the good news. May we be found faithful to share as the Lord would have us to share and serve as He would have us to serve. Thanks again for your prayers and partnership in the ministry down here. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ola Kennison's!

Stop draughts

Plug unused fireplaces by stuffing plastic bags filled with newspaper up the chimney. (Make a note to remember!)

Stop draughts under doors w/ draught excluders by making some of your own (a rugby sock and stuffed with scrap material).

Insulate around doors and windows with self adhesive strips (plastic?)

Fill or block any gaps around pipes and cables that go through an exterior wall or wherever you can feel a draught (check electric outlets).

Keep heat in

Windows are a significant heat loss area. Closing windows and curtains around sunset keeps in warmth that has built up during the day.

Aside from insulation...that's what I came up w/by googling :)

Thanks for sharing Daniel...we've been gone a few weeks but glad to be back & checking-in. As a side note, your box came back to MI stamped unclaimed last month! That box had quite an adventure from MI to Chile and back! Mystery solved. Keep us posted & God Bless!