Saturday, January 26, 2008

Is it too late to make a New Year's resolution?

I hope it's not too late to make a New Year's resolution. I really want to make one and I really hope to keep it. So what is it? Is it to lose some weight or to give up carbonated beverages or something else? None of the above. My New Year's resolution is to be more current with this blog. Why? Whereas I realize that there may not be a huge amount of people who actually check this site out, there are some who would like to know more of what is going on in our lives and ministries. So for you my dear people I resolve to be more current and consistent with my postings. We will see very soon (in the next couple of days) how this is going to go.
There has been much going on down here in Curaco. The Lord has been very good to us. We are ever aware of His amazing grace. Not only has He redeemed us from our sins but He has also given us the great privilige to testify to His glorious goodness. As the Apostle Paul writes to the Romans in chapter 1 of his epistle, the reason that we share the gospel is for the sake of (or for the glory of) the Name. That name being the Name that is above all names, the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are pleased to report that people are responding to the preaching of the Word. Should we expect anything different? Of course we realize that the Lord sovereignly works in ways that are above our finite comprehension, so we trust that His Word will accomplish whatever purpose that the Almighty has set forth. But what if we didn't believe that the Lord would reach people through His Word, what kind of servants would we be? We would be servants of little faith, maybe even unfaithful servants. We don't want to be like that. We want to pray and cast our nets and wait and watch and see what the Lord will do. To this day we have seen the Lord do wonderful works in the hearts of His people, through His Word and through the ministry of His Holy Spirit. To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Please continue to pray for us and the flock at Grace Baptist Church in Curaco. We believe that an effective door of ministry has opened up and just as the Apostle Paul said "there are many who oppose the work." Oh that God would work in their hearts as He did in the heart of Saul. That they would stop being persecutors and that they would become proclaimers of the gospel! Please pray believing that this could happen, just as the miracle of regeneration happened in your life it could happen in the life of any other hardened sinner. Of course it has to be the Lord doing it, but He can do it!
Thanks again for your prayers and support towards us. We truly appreciate you all in the Lord Jesus.
Your brother in Christ,

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Glad to see you back on the blog!!